Spring sees new life blossoming everywhere and this looks to be a positive month as covid restrictions are being tentatively lifted in parallel with the vaccine roll out, here in the UK.
There’s good news from Make UK, who represent UK manufacturers. Their recent survey of 314 companies showed that manufacturing output had increased in Q4 2020 after three previous quarters of shrinkage. Following the upturn in output they have upgraded their 2021 growth forecast for the sector up 1.2% from 2.7% to 3.9%.
Starting this month, the UK Department for Education appointed the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVM Catapult) to lead a pilot scheme to develop high-quality modular courses. This is aiming to help address the current skills gaps in manufacturing and engineering by up-skilling employees.
This month we are focusing on the metals industry where our digital DC drives are extensively used. The UK Metals Industry comprises 11,100 companies employing 230,000 people, and directly contributes £10.7bn to UK GDP (data from UK Metals Council).
Metals is one of the most demanding of industries and requires machinery to repeatedly produce high-quality components in very difficult operating conditions. Our specialist range of Digital DC Drives provide exceptional performance in this extremely tough environment. Check out our guide to where drives are used in the metals and other industries here.
Our drives are operating within a wide variety of metal processing applications all over the world including: Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, the Americas, China and Russia. Local support is available in most countries, you can find your local distributor here.
Are you working on an application in the metals industry? Don’t forget, there’s a team of DC motor control experts available to answer your questions. Contact us for enquiries on applications in the metals industry and all other matters.
Here’s to a productive Q2 2021, stay safe.